Crop nutrition & fertility building

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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
No-till with living mulches - the holy grail for arable?
resource Northern Real Farming Conference / Soil Association This webinar (part of the 2021 Northern Real Farming Conference and hosted by the Soil Association) explores growing a low growing permanent cover crop such...Rotations, Organic matter, Soil biology, Weeds, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Buildings & machinery, People & skills, Biodiversity -
Short-term green manures for intensively cultivated horticultural soils
resource AHDB Horticulture A GREATsoils factsheet detailing the main green manure species suitable for use in high value vegetable and salad rotations and summarising benefits they can bringType, texture & structure, Rotations, Organic matter, Roots & horticulture, Crop nutrition & fertility building, People & skills -
The AgroDiversity Toolbox
resource The OSCAR project consortium Everything you need to know about the management of cover crops: Check out this free, interactive web-based tool.Conservation agriculture, Crop nutrition & fertility building, People & skills -
Making the Most of Green Manures
resource Innovative Farmers Improve your understanding of how to use green manures and the many potential ways in which they can benefit your farm business with this audio...Type, texture & structure, Compaction & cultivation, Organic matter, Soil biology, Weeds, Crop nutrition & fertility building -
Digging the Dirt on Curlew Call Farm
resource Soil Association Invest in your soil & reap the returns; an arable farmer’s endeavours in improving soil health through using green manures & grass leys.Type, texture & structure, Compaction & cultivation, Rotations, Organic matter, Soil biology, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Crop nutrition & fertility building -
Crop rotation and its ability to suppress perennial weeds
resource OK-Net Arable project consortium (co-ordinated by IFOAM EU Group) Guidance from the OK-Net Arable project to help you manage perennial weeds effectively through crop rotations.Rotations, Organic matter, Weeds, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Crop nutrition & fertility building, People & skills -
Manifold green manures Part 3: Black medic and lucerne
resource Organic Research Centre Two lesser-used legume species with properties that you can make use of in fodder, green manure or hay crops, as highlighted in Legume LINK.Organic matter, Crop nutrition & fertility building -
Sort out your soil
resource Cotswold Seeds / Garden Organic This Cotswold Seeds / Garden Organic publication provides detailed, practical information to help you select and use green manure crops.Organic matter, Animal health & welfare, Grasslands & forage crops, Crop nutrition & fertility building -
Manifold green manures - Part 4: Large birdsfoot trefoil, meadow pea and white clover
resource The Organic Research Centre An article outlining properties of three species that could be considered for fertility-building mixes, trialed in the Legume LINK project.Organic matter, Crop nutrition & fertility building