Privacy Policy & Data Subject Rights

(last updated May 2021)

Identity and contact details

Please click here to find out more about Agricology. Our postal address is Trent Lodge, Stroud Road, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 6JN. We are a division of the Organic Research Centre (ORC). Our telephone number is +44 (0) 1488 658298.  You can contact us by email using

ORC’s registered name is the Progressive Farming Trust Limited, a registered charity in England and Wales (281276), and a limited company registered no. 1513190 (England and Wales).

Our designated supervisory authority under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). We are based in the United Kingdom.

To contact the individual in charge of Data Protection in our company please use

This privacy policy relates specifically to data that we process in relation to the setup, creation and distribution of the Agricology newsletter.  For any other data that is controlled by the ORC, please look at the privacy policy on the ORC website.

What data we collect

Agricology processes data on the individuals who we send the Agricology newsletter to and who visit the Agricology website. We collect:

  • Email address, name, postal and telephone details and communication preferences so that we can communicate with the individuals
  • The individual’s profession and interests so that we can align the content of the newsletter to our audience
  • The individual’s details if they register for or attend events that link in some way to our newsletter content
  • Communication information on the individuals who choose to donate to Agricology

Agricology Newsletter audience

Data relating to the contacts receiving the Agricology newsletter is under the specific control of dedicated staff which work on creating and organising the newsletter.  Other ORC staff do not have access to the data that relates to the Agricology newsletter recipients.

We process the data that relates to individuals so that we can send them our Agricology newsletter. We use a lawful basis of consent to process this data.    

We process the data that relates to contacts so that we can provide them with update and invite them to events. We use a lawful basis of consent to process this data.   We can capture special category data on the data we gather for events, where we need to know health-related details about individuals so that we can provide a safe environment for those which, for example, have allergies.  We use compliance with “employment, social security and social protection law” as the reason for processing this data. 

We process the data that relates to contacts who we no longer send our newsletter to for analysis. We use a lawful basis of legitimate interests to process this data.  We have completed the specification, gate analysis and balancing tests specified under GDPR for this data.  We do not capture special category information on data in this category. 

We process the data relating to individuals who choose to donate to Agricology using the basis of Contract.  We use their details so that we can track who has donated to Agricology.  We use this information so that we can communicate to confirm the donation, and maintain records about the donation for audit purposes. 

Any recipient or categories of recipients of the personal data

Agricology pass data on to data processors for the following purposes:

  • We outsource the storage of the lists of recipients, the distribution, or sending out, of our newsletters, the management of the capture of subscriptions to the newsletter and the opting out of data subjects from the newsletter list.
  • The co-ordination of event registration.
  • The management of information about how well the attendees felt events went (post-event surveys).
  • To provide invoicing and payment processing services for individuals who choose to donate to Agricology.

Details of transfers to third country and safeguards

Some of the organisations that we outsource data processing to are based in the USA. 

Where we use US-based organisations, we have signed a data processing agreement with the organisation that we use and we have signed Standard Contractual Clauses with them.  This means that the transfer of data to the servers of the organisation that we outsource our newsletter data management to should be secure and legal under GDPR and under the UK’s Data protection Act 2018. 

Retention period or criteria used to determine the retention period

As we use consent as the lawful basis for processing in our newsletter, we will ask you to update your consent 2 years after you initially signed up to our newsletter.  If you do not consent to receiving the newsletter, we will stop sending you our newsletter.

We will remove data from our email system 3 years after the last time that we send out a newsletter to an individual. 

If these data retention timescales clash with legal or contractual obligations then these other obligations will override the retention timescales outlined.

All records are disposed of securely when deleted. 

How we look after data

We take reasonable technical and procedural precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or unauthorised alteration of personal data.

We store the personal data that we collect securely.

We do not publish the details of the safeguards we use to protect the personal data that we control as this could reduce the effectiveness of those safeguards.


Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect information about which pages you visit, and how long for. This information is used to track use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity.

When you visit our website you will be presented with a choice which will allow you to decide whether cookies are used or not. In a few cases some of our website features may not function if you choose not to allow cookies on our website.

Other websites

Our website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to this website, so when you link to other websites you should read their own privacy policies.

Your rights

Agricology recognises the rights of individuals as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

We will always seek to uphold those rights and the links provided will enable you to communicate with us to exercise those rights, where relevant.

Agricology recognises your right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. You can access the ICO's website from this link.