Crop nutrition & fertility building

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Integrating leys in arable rotations
resource ORC / GWCT / LEAF / OF&G / Soil Association / SRUC / Agricology - as part of Defra Project OF03111 Organic Management Techniques Integrating leys in arable rotations can provide multiple benefits including weed management, soil health and pollinator habitat provision.Integrated farming, Rotations, Soil biology, Weeds, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Pollinators & ecological services, Biodiversity -
Livestock and the arable rotation
resource Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) This detailed AHDB publication looks at how an arable business can work with livestock businesses to optimise both enterprises.Pigs, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Crop nutrition & fertility building -
The Herbal Ley Farming System
resource Cotswold Seeds A farmer's guide to herbal leys... focusing on the many benefits of this low input farming system, as well as advice on sowing and growing.Animal health & welfare, Grasslands & forage crops, Crop nutrition & fertility building -
The Benefits of Sheep in Arable Rotations
resource The National Sheep Association How incorporating sheep within arable farming systems can rejuvenate soils, reduce problem weeds, improve biodiversity, & improve yields from following crops.Integrated farming, Type, texture & structure, Rotations, Organic matter, Weeds, Animal health & welfare, Beef cattle & sheep, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Biodiversity -
Using legume-based mixtures to enhance the nitrogen use efficiency and economic viability of cropping systems
resource Organic Research Centre/ Scottish Rural College/ University of Reading/ Aberystwyth University/ Institute of Biological/ Environmental & Rural Sciences (IBERS)/ Institute of Organic Training and Advice/ Duchy College/ NIAB TAG/ Rothamsted Research The Legume LINK final report, with pointers to help you improve the efficiency of your leys, benefiting crop production and pollinators.Rotations, Crop nutrition & fertility building