Grasslands & forage crops

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Novel forage crops
resource ORC / GWCT / LEAF / OF&G / Soil Association / SRUC / Agricology - as part of Defra Project OF03111 Organic Management Techniques This abstract looks at how lucerne, sainfoin and chicory could be incorporated into your grazing leys and potentially supply high quality, drought tolerant feed for...Animal health & welfare, Grasslands & forage crops, People & skills -
Mixing it up: ORFC 2018 insights
resource Farmerama Farmerama podcast presenting some interesting reflections from ORFC 2018; including the benefits of making sainfoin an essential part of your ley farming system.Grasslands & forage crops, Markets & food systems, Natural resources & waste -
Introducing The LegumePlus Project: Sainfoin, Birdsfoot Trefoil & Red Clover
resource Cotswold Seeds Ltd. Fascinating insights from scientists involved in the LegumePlus project; the reasons behind the research and what the research has revealed.Animal health & welfare, Grasslands & forage crops -
resource Cotswold Seeds Ltd. Practical guidance on growing and using sainfoin and potential benefits for livestock, people and pollinators, based on science and practice.Animal health & welfare, Grasslands & forage crops -
Sainfoin with Dr Lydia Smith at NIAB
resource Cotswold Seeds Video outlining the challenges of growing and managing sainfoin, ways it can benefit livestock and bees, and current interesting research.Animal health & welfare, Grasslands & forage crops -
Manifold green manures - Part I: Sainfoin and birdsfoot trefoil
resource Organic Research Centre An article outlining properties of two species that could be considered for fertility-building mixes, trialed in the Legume LINK project.Type, texture & structure, Grasslands & forage crops