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Use of complementary and alternative methods is significantly reducing antibiotic use and vet costs on UK and Irish farms
blog A survey of over 220 livestock farms (80% commercial) in the UK and Ireland has reported up to 69% reduction in antibiotic use, up to...Animal health & welfare, Dairy cattle, Beef cattle & sheep, Pigs, Poultry, Other species, People & skills, Nutrition & public health -
The seeds of diversity - the challenges of seed supply in extraordinary times
blog It is not an easy time with the combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit. It is great that the pandemic has highlighted for people...Roots & horticulture, Regulations, standards & policy, Business management, Markets & food systems, People & skills, Pollinators & ecological services, Biodiversity, Nutrition & public health, Communities & education -
The Future of Food - In Conversation with Henry Dimbleby
blog As part of #OrganicSeptember campaign, Daylesford Organic have been running a ‘Future of Food’ series, featuring interviews with thought leaders in the food, ecology and...Regulations, standards & policy, Markets & food systems, People & skills, Nutrition & public health, Communities & education -
Psst! Tell us the REAL secret of how you keep your animals healthy
blog Do you use 'alternatives' to conventional drugs and other interventions to keep your livestock healthy? There are many farmers - conventional, organic and those in-between...Animal health & welfare, Dairy cattle, People & skills, Nutrition & public health -
The future of sustainable farming - Colin Tudge & Ruth West
blog This is one of a series of interviews Daylesford's Tim Field has been conducting on the topic of sustainable food and farming. Tim speaks to...Regulations, standards & policy, Markets & food systems, People & skills, Nutrition & public health -
Thank You to Our Farmers
blog We want to pause to celebrate all those who tend our land and give so much to feed the nation. We are all indebted to...Regulations, standards & policy, Markets & food systems, People & skills, Nutrition & public health, Communities & education -
Farmers go for Net Zero Arran
blog A group of farmers on the Isle of Arran, sometimes called ‘Scotland in miniature’ because of the range of farming it hosts, have begun to...Regulations, standards & policy, Business management, Markets & food systems, People & skills, Climate, Nutrition & public health -
We need you to support an Agriculture Bill that will create a better food system - let your MP know today!
blog The Agriculture Bill will be voted on by MPs on Wednesday 13th May. Do you want to support nature-friendly farming, address climate change and ensure...Regulations, standards & policy, Biodiversity, Climate, Nutrition & public health -
One man's stress is another man's motivation
blog The coronavirus crisis is reminding us of how closely animal, ecological and human health are linked. A vital component of our health is, of course,...People & skills, Climate, Nutrition & public health, Communities & education -
Propagation & weed management in the polytunnels at Daylesford
blog In these short video clips, Jez Taylor, head of the Market Garden at Daylesford Organic Farm, talks to us from inside the polytunnels about propagating...Organic farming, Weeds, Roots & horticulture, Markets & food systems, Nutrition & public health