Farm management & economics

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Explore our content related to this farming theme
Displaying 11 - 19 of 19
Black-grass: solutions to the problem
resource AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds A useful information sheet from AHDB summarising key methods for increasing your control of black-grass.Weeds, People & skills -
Fat-Hen Management in Organic Systems
resource Garden Organic Leaflet summarising methods of prevention and control of fat-hen in organic systems.Weeds, People & skills -
resource IBERS Grassland Development Centre as part of Farming Connect Information taken from the Farming Connect factsheet 'Weed Control in Grass and Forage Crops' to help you prevent establishment and spread of chickweed on your...Weeds, Grasslands & forage crops, People & skills -
ROTOR: organic crop rotation planner
resource Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) A tool to help you plan for food and fodder within your rotation and consider weed management, plant health, maximising nitrogen (N) fixation and avoiding...People & skills, Rotations, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Weeds, Pests & diseases -
Is intercropping the way forward for arable?
resource Andrew takes us on a fascinating tour of the potential of intercropping - recorded at an OK-Net Arable project event.Markets & food systems, People & skills, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Weeds, Pests & diseases -
Perennial weed control in organic agriculture
resource Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) Guidance from the OK-Net Arable project on managing perennial weeds through using suitable machinery and techniques, focusing on stubble cultivation.Weeds, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Buildings & machinery, People & skills -
Investigation of suitable legume species for undersowing in organic spring wheat
resource Royal Agricultural University Some insights from the RAU on research carried out looking at the influence of different undersown legumes on wheat growth.People & skills, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Weeds -
Reduced Tillage: Farmer’s motivations and problems
resource Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) A video from the TILMAN-ORG project providing useful insights from farmers who have have adopted reduced tillage on their farms.Compaction & cultivation, People & skills -
Organic crop rotations
resource Soil Association This Soil Association PDF provides an overview of what you may need to take into consideration when planning rotations for field crops.Organic farming, Rotations, Roots & horticulture, Regulations, standards & policy