Farm management & economics

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Soil cultivations: ploughing, non-inversion tillage and soil quality
blog Ploughing has received bad press in some organic farming circles due to the higher fuel requirements and the fact that it buries soil organisms and...Type, texture & structure, Compaction & cultivation, Drainage, Organic matter, Soil biology, Crop nutrition & fertility building, People & skills -
Agroecological farmers should CASH-in for promoting soil health
blog There is huge potential for farmers to be incentivised and rewarded for protecting and sequestering carbon in their soils. Government initiatives and carbon offsetting schemes...Organic matter, Natural resources & waste, People & skills, Climate -
So mulch lovin’! How mulches help get trees off to the best start
blog Planting trees is great isn’t it? Good for the farm, good for the planet, good for our livestock for our crops for our soil. It’s...Organic matter, Weeds, Roots & horticulture, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Natural resources & waste, People & skills -
Tell us what you think. Enter to win!
blog Agricology has been awarded a DEFRA ELM Test in partnership with the University of Reading to research how effective videos and podcasts are as tools...People & skills -
Fibreshed - reconnecting fashion to fibres and farming for a homegrown wardrobe
blog Why do we eat lamb, throw away wool and wear plastic? Why are food and fibre systems not generally considered within the same systems and...Beef cattle & sheep, Business management, Natural resources & waste, People & skills, Communities & education -
Aphid Control in the Market Garden - Vlog
blog Jez Taylor, head of the diverse market garden at Daylesford Organics talks to us about managing the greenfly on the roses they supply to the...Pests & diseases, Roots & horticulture, People & skills, Pollinators & ecological services -
Establishing a Wildflower Meadow
blog Wildflower meadows are an intrinsic part of our natural heritage and have been in decline over the last century. The rich flora and fauna provide...Natural resources & waste, People & skills, Pollinators & ecological services, Biodiversity -
Psst! Tell us the REAL secret of how you keep your animals healthy
blog Do you use 'alternatives' to conventional drugs and other interventions to keep your livestock healthy? There are many farmers - conventional, organic and those in-between...Animal health & welfare, Dairy cattle, People & skills, Nutrition & public health -
The future of sustainable farming - Colin Tudge & Ruth West
blog This is one of a series of interviews Daylesford's Tim Field has been conducting on the topic of sustainable food and farming. Tim speaks to...Regulations, standards & policy, Markets & food systems, People & skills, Nutrition & public health -
Thank You to Our Farmers
blog We want to pause to celebrate all those who tend our land and give so much to feed the nation. We are all indebted to...Regulations, standards & policy, Markets & food systems, People & skills, Nutrition & public health, Communities & education