Farm management & economics

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Will putting grass into your rotation solve your black-grass problem?
blog Is black-grass a major problem on your farm? Are you considering bringing grass back into the rotation to control severe infestations of this weed? Centre...Organic matter, Weeds, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Crop nutrition & fertility building, People & skills -
Management and maintenance of agroforestry systems: Lessons from a 30 year old ash silvopastoral trial
blog The fifth and final AFINET workshop for the UK silvopasture sub-group took place at Claydon Estate in Buckinghamshire in early July and was well attended...Agroforestry, Animal health & welfare, People & skills -
Groundswell 2019: Farming with Nature to produce healthy land, people and profits
blog Inspirational. Innovative. The best farming conference in the UK. These are just a few snippets from recent Twitter posts describing Groundswell 2019 - but are...Conservation agriculture, Type, texture & structure, Compaction & cultivation, Drainage, Organic matter, Soil biology, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Markets & food systems, People & skills, Pollinators & ecological services, Climate -
Could farming with trees help to control pests and boost pollinators?
blog Can farmers control pests without pesticides, and pollinate their crops without honey bees? All while making money out of it? Agroforestry, which is basically farming...Agroforestry, Weeds, Pests & diseases, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Business management, People & skills, Pollinators & ecological services, Biodiversity -
Free support for organic farms to take part in AHDB Farmbench 2019
blog *Last chance to join an organic combinable crops benchmarking group in the East region! Benchmark one or more of your organic cereal and oilseed enterprises...Organic farming, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Business management, Buildings & machinery, People & skills -
Dairy farms needed in project to find best practices to reduce phosphorus loss
blog Research indicates that farm-gate phosphorus (P) surpluses are common on UK dairy farms. By reducing these P surpluses and consequently P losses, we could reap...Type, texture & structure, Animal health & welfare, Dairy cattle, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Business management, Pollinators & ecological services -
Agroecological principles to support Integrated Weed Management
blog The context Following the EU regulation on the sustainable use of pesticides (Directive 2009/128/EC), Integrated Pest Management (IPM) became an integral part of European farming...Weeds, Pests & diseases, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Roots & horticulture, People & skills, Pollinators & ecological services, Biodiversity -
Agricology Discussions @ Groundswell!
blog We’re all set for another year at Groundswell and very excited to be hosting the Agricology Discussion Tent this summer. We have a strong line-up...Agroforestry, Type, texture & structure, Rotations, Weeds, Pests & diseases, Beef cattle & sheep, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Crop nutrition & fertility building, People & skills -
Organic Slug Control - Agricology Vlog April 2019
blog In this months Agricology vlog, Jez Taylor (Head Grower at Daylesford Organic) discusses how he manages slugs in an organic system, including understanding their life...Organic farming, Pests & diseases, People & skills -
Introduction to Agroecology - PART 2
blog In this month's Agricology vlog, Phil Jarvis, Farm Manger for the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust at the Allerton Project, gives an introduction to what...Integrated farming, Agroforestry, Rotations, Weeds, Crop nutrition & fertility building, People & skills, Biodiversity