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Building a sustainable food system in an ever-changing world
blog My foot just through the ORC and Agricology door as Farm Engagement Officer, I started the year in a similar way to many farmers and...Type, texture & structure, Compaction & cultivation, Drainage, Organic matter, Soil biology, Weeds, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Natural resources & waste, People & skills -
Nature-based Integrated Pest Management - hints, tips and more
blog Are you keen to find ways to reduce pesticide use on your farm, but not sure where to begin? Or perhaps you are already undertaking...Compaction & cultivation, Soil biology, Weeds, Pests & diseases, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Roots & horticulture, Business management, People & skills, Pollinators & ecological services, Biodiversity, Climate, Communities & education -
Living mulches for sustainable cropping systems: A step towards 'Regenerative Organic' Agriculture in the UK?
blog Reducing tillage and chemical inputs can be beneficial for soil and the environment, so could a permanent clover understorey acting as a 'living mulch', moving...Conservation agriculture, Compaction & cultivation, Drainage, Organic matter, Soil biology, Weeds, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Roots & horticulture, Crop nutrition & fertility building, People & skills, Climate -
Regenerative agriculture - a new silver bullet for agriculture and the environment?
blog In 1992 I started my career as a newly fledged post-doc working on the Integrated Farming Systems project and so have been intrigued to see...Integrated farming, Conservation agriculture, Type, texture & structure, Compaction & cultivation, Drainage, Organic matter, Soil biology, Weeds, Pests & diseases, Grasslands & forage crops, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Pollinators & ecological services, Biodiversity, Climate -
So mulch lovin’! How mulches help get trees off to the best start
blog Planting trees is great isn’t it? Good for the farm, good for the planet, good for our livestock for our crops for our soil. It’s...Organic matter, Weeds, Roots & horticulture, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Natural resources & waste, People & skills -
Ecological principles for weed management - steps to get you on the road to making peace with weeds
blog For a long time, the pursuit of effective agricultural weed management tools and strategies was framed as ‘the war on weeds.’ We developed increasingly merciless...Rotations, Organic matter, Weeds, Crop nutrition & fertility building, People & skills, Pollinators & ecological services, Biodiversity -
Propagation & weed management in the polytunnels at Daylesford
blog In these short video clips, Jez Taylor, head of the Market Garden at Daylesford Organic Farm, talks to us from inside the polytunnels about propagating...Organic farming, Weeds, Roots & horticulture, Markets & food systems, Nutrition & public health -
Black-grass: what’s the problem, what’s the solution?
blog Although often considered a relatively ‘new’ weed, it was recognised as a ‘very troublesome weed among wheat’ over 175 years ago (Sinclair, 1838). However, black-grass...Weeds, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, People & skills -
Reducing tillage in organic with the roller crimper - James Alexander Vlog
blog James Alexander explains how he is looking to reduce tillage in an organic system on Litchfield Farm. He explains the roller crimper method to kill...Compaction & cultivation, Weeds, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Buildings & machinery -
Oxford Real Farming Conference 2020 - Agricology in Practice
blog Agriculture has huge potential to be part of the solution to enhancing biodiversity, addressing climate change and supporting and enhancing natural resources, whilst also building...Type, texture & structure, Compaction & cultivation, Drainage, Rotations, Organic matter, Soil biology, Weeds, Pests & diseases, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Pollinators & ecological services, Biodiversity, Climate