Enterprise Stacking & Agroforestry; Chickens, Orchards, Biomass & Market Gardens - Update

10 October 2018

This vlog is the second in what will be a series of updates following a recent agroforestry project which used a Woodland Trust grant to plant 800 trees on a 30 acre field that houses established chicken ranges. In this vlog, Tim Field (Environmental Scientist at Daylesford Organic), discusses the progress of the project and explains that: 

  • The chickens are exploiting all the habitat around the planted trees and ranging well.
  • The chicken manure has been utilised to help with the market garden produce.
  • The trees around the hen houses, where the chickens have been most active and supressed weed and grass growth, have grown better than others.
  • As an organic system without chemical weed control, the intention is to mow and strim around trees to knock back the weeds.
  • Biodegradable mulch mats are being used to help control weeds.
  • Biodiversity benefits have already been noticed.

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