Agricology has been awarded a DEFRA ELM Test in partnership with the University of Reading to research how effective videos and podcasts are as tools...
blogIntercropping offers the potential for more efficient resource utilisation, reducing pest and disease pressure and better competition with weeds. This is a recording of an event co-ordinated by Agricology, Innovative Farmers and the ORC that was held as a virtual alternative to a field lab meeting.
resourceIntercropping cereals and pulses can have a beneficial impact on a number of factors including weed control and harvestability. This trial at the University of Reading Crop Research Centre in 2018/19 compared intercrops of beans and triticale to monocrop comparisons in spring and winter sown crops, looking at the impact on weed control, lodging and yield.
reserach_trialIntercropping cereals and pulses can have a beneficial impact on a number of factors including weed control and harvestability. This trial at the University of Reading Crop Research Centre in 2018/19 compared intercrops of beans and triticale to monocrop comparisons in spring and winter sown crops, looking at the impact on weed control, lodging and yield.
reserach_trialCan farmers control pests without pesticides, and pollinate their crops without honey bees? All while making money out of it? Agroforestry, which is basically farming...
blogResearch indicates that farm-gate phosphorus (P) surpluses are common on UK dairy farms. By reducing these P surpluses and consequently P losses, we could reap...
blogThe University of Reading, in collaboration with Harper Adams University, is running a project aiming at investigating the potential to reduce phosphorus losses from dairy...
blogFor hundreds of years we have thought that bees are important for pollinating apples, but is this actually true? I have worked in apple orchards...
blogThis BBSRC-funded video provides important messages to help us target pollinators that will benefit UK crops and help ensure food security.
resourceA podcast focusing on the role of nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria rhizobia in improving legume crop yields and specific research into lucerne.