The National Institute of Agricultural Botany provides independent science-based research and information to support, develop and promote agriculture and horticulture. NIAB’s work helps the industry to fulfil its potential in supplying food and renewable resources, whilst respecting the natural environment.
NIAB's content
Virtual Field Day: Cover crops, living mulch and leys @ Cereals LIVE 2020
Recording of a virtual event held as part of Cereals LIVE 2020 - a collaboration between Agricology, CFE and the NIAB team that came in part live from the NIAB Innovation Farm - digging mini soil pits to look at the impact of different leys and covers.
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Ley of the Land: Integrating Leys in the Cropping System - Lydia Smith, NIAB
Video footage filmed at the ORFC 2019 of Lydia Smith from NIAB explaining a project helping to explore soil quality through re-integration of leys and sheep into an arable system.
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Managing weeds in arable rotations - a guide
A practical guide bringing together research to help you manage weeds through a rotation dominated by autumn-sown crops.
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Cover Crops
Guidance on selecting and managing cover crops according to your requirements, outlining financial, agronomic and environmental benefits.
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Introducing The LegumePlus Project: Sainfoin, Birdsfoot Trefoil & Red Clover
Fascinating insights from scientists involved in the LegumePlus project; the reasons behind the research and what the research has revealed.
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Practical guidance on growing and using sainfoin and potential benefits for livestock, people and pollinators, based on science and practice.
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Impact of cover crops on yield and soils in the New Farming Systems programme
Research evaluating how cover cropping systems can contribute to soil structural improvement, fertility enhancement and yield responses.
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Sainfoin with Dr Lydia Smith at NIAB
Video outlining the challenges of growing and managing sainfoin, ways it can benefit livestock and bees, and current interesting research.