ORC is the UK’s leading research centre for the development of organic, agroecological food production and land management solutions to key global issues including climate change, soil and biodiversity conservation and food security.
Organic Research Centre
Organic Research Centre's content
Building a sustainable food system in an ever-changing world
My foot just through the ORC and Agricology door as Farm Engagement Officer, I started the year in a similar way to many farmers and...
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Living Mulches Final Report
The final report for Innovative Farmers field lab trials which aimed to determine the impacts of living mulches on cash crop yields and weed composition.
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Sageguard is a toolbox of recommendations regarding sustainability indicators (especially for social, economic and animal welfare) and practical decision-making tools for sheep and goat farmers. It was an output of the Innovation for Sustainable Sheep and Goat Production in Europe (iSAGE) project.
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Double your donation to the Organic Research Centre with the Big Give’s Christmas Challenge 2022
Agricology is the focus for the Organic Research Centre’s (ORC) Big Give Christmas Challenge and the target is to raise £15,000 in just 1 week!...
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Organic Ancient Cereal Supply-chain
Final report for a project based on the premise that ancient or heritage wheats may be more suitable for organic and low-input production and better adapted to marginal environments than 'modern' high-yielding varieties.
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Building Agricology for the Future
As a user of Agricology I hope that you find the resources provide a source of engaging and useful information. For seven years now Agricology...
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The potential of biofumigation to control soil borne pests, pathogens and weeds
A DiverIMPACTS practice abstract exploring the practicalities of applying the technique of biofumigation to help with pest and weed control.
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The Basics of Soil Fertility
FiBL booklet offering a view on soil fertility from different angles to stimulate new thinking about a sustainable relationship to the soil.
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Are you a northern farmer looking for ways to do things differently?
The Northern Real Farming Conference has just launched a series of farmer-focussed video resources highlighting regenerative farming principles and techniques and how they make business...
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Including diverse leys in arable rotations
Practice abstract created as part of the DiverIMPACTS project outlining some of the many advantages to more complex mixtures of leguminous leys and some of the challenges and key practical considerations.
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Support climate friendly farming - one donation, twice the impact
From 22nd to 29th April the Organic Research Centre (ORC) is taking part in the Green Match Fund Campaign 2022, organised by the Big Give...
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How do English farmers learn and finance agroforestry? New insights from the Agroforestry ELM Test project
Following a well-received evidence review in which the main factors holding back agroforestry in England were identified, the Agroforestry ELM Team, led by the ORC,...
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How can agroforestry contribute towards biodiversity conservation?
Recording of a workshop hosted by the Organic Research Centre online that set out to explore how agroforestry could contribute towards the conservation and restoration of biodiversity, and the policy options that could support the realisation of these benefits.
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How to set up a simplified on-farm cultivar trial to assess broccoli?
This LIVESEED abstract provides a guide for organic farmers wanting to set up their own on-farm trial of different broccoli varieties - using a simplified cultivar trial.
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How to identify potato cultivars which are resistant to late blight?
Some basic guidance produced as part of the LIVESEED project on how farmers can set up a simplified cultivar trial to identify potato cultivars which are resistant to late blight.
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Guidelines for on-farm variety testing
A quick reference guide produced as part of the LIVESEED project for farmers interested in carrying out some on-farm variety testing and needing some basic guidance.
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SOLID - Sustainable Organic and Low-Input Dairying
Organic Research Centre Research Digest focusing on ways of increasing the sustainability of organic low-input dairy systems and benefits that can be attained.
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Call on Government to Increase UK Hedgerow Network by 40% by 2050
Who even cares about hedgerows? This would have certainly been my view as a young boy, cycling many unnecessary extra miles to see friends on...
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Increasing adoption of agroforestry in the UK
A policy brief summarising results and recommendations from a review undertaken as part of the Defra-funded Agroforestry ELM Test project.
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Farm-based organic variety trials
Factsheet based on research undertaken as part of the LIVESEED project detailing an experiment in which wheat varieties were tested by organic farmers at a commercial field scale and includes findings that can feed into weed management strategies.
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Marketing a genetically diverse wheat: YQ in the UK
Abstract created as part of the LIVESEED project outlining points useful for farmers who may be interested in developing a genetically diverse crop, based on the experience of the ORC Wakelyns Population.
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Tree: crop interactions in UK alley cropping agroforestry systems: impacts on crop yield and total productivity
Report on studies carried out within an organic silvoarable alley cropping system in the UK (Wakelyns Agroforestry in Suffolk) where researchers have investigated the impact of trees on crops in adjacent alleys.
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A researcher's reflections on EURAF 2021 - the fifth European agroforestry conference
The fifth cross-European conference on agroforestry, EURAF 2021, was recently held online and attended by several members of the ORC. This conference was delayed in...
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DIVERSify Guide for Farmers and Agronomists
The DIVERSify project Guide for Farmers and Agronomists - summarising key results from the intercropping research carried out in an easily digestible way, dividing information into 3 keys areas.
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A National Network of Agroforestry Farms
PROJECT BACKGROUND One of the solutions proposed by the Government to achieve net zero carbon by 2050 is to plant at least 30,000 hectares of...
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The Agroforestry ELM Test project: Transforming the English agricultural landscape with trees
Interest among UK farmers in planting trees on their land has skyrocketed recently. Only ten years ago a survey indicated that very few farmers know...
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Intercropping for Sustainability conference
Footage of a discussion held as part of a 3-day intercropping conference that was a collaboration between DIVERSify and ReMIX projects and the Association of Applied Biologists.
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Feeding pigs and poultry on 100% organic and regional feed - what have we learned in the OK-Net EcoFeed project?
Background For organic pig and poultry farmers, living up to the ideal of feeding 100% regional and organic feed is difficult and especially for protein...
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OK-Net Ecofeed
PROJECT BACKGROUND A key objective of organic farming is the closing of nutrient cycles but it is difficult to achieve. To a large extent, feed...
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DIVERSify's Recommendations
Last in a series of mini-documentary films; this presents recommendations from the DIVERSify project and asks what have we learnt in DIVERSify that will help farmers and others make decisions about mixed cropping?
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Living mulches for sustainable cropping systems: A step towards 'Regenerative Organic' Agriculture in the UK?
Reducing tillage and chemical inputs can be beneficial for soil and the environment, so could a permanent clover understorey acting as a 'living mulch', moving...
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DIVERSify - From The Ground Up, Managing Complexity & Cultivating Knowledge
Three mini-documentary films presenting findings from the DIVERSify project, focusing on impacts of crop diversification and challenges and ideas for growing crop mixtures as a way to increase resilience against climate change whilst increasing biodiversity and carbon sequestration.
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DIVERSify: Designing InnoVative plant teams for Ecosystem Resilience and agricultural Sustainability
PROJECT BACKGROUND There is an urgent need to increase the efficiency and sustainability of agriculture. There is mounting pressure to produce food sustainably, with fewer...
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Towards farmer principles of health
Ten statements / principles farmers have developed that make them successful in developing healthy farming systems, as part of the HealthNetworks Project, and used as the basis for the Farm System Health project.
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Farm System Health in Practice
PROJECT BACKGROUND The health and nutritional value of agricultural food products is strongly linked to, and inherently dependant on, the production process and farm system...
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Tree leaves as supplementary feed for ruminant livestock
This briefing examines the role of silvopastoral agroforestry in providing livestock with nutrients via tree browse, alongside the many other benefits of trees.
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Land Sharing and Sparing
In this podcast, recorded as part of NOCC online in partnership with OF&G, ideas around land sharing and sparing are explored.
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Soil cultivations: ploughing, non-inversion tillage and soil quality
Ploughing has received bad press in some organic farming circles due to the higher fuel requirements and the fact that it buries soil organisms and...
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Virtual Field Day: Crop Mixtures
Recording of a virtual field day held on August 11th 2020 in collaboration between Agricology and James Hutton Institute and the SEAMS and DIVERSify projects, bringing together insights from farmer experience and scientific research into the role of crop mixtures to address different agronomic issues.
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Intercropping and Companion Cropping in Arable Systems
Final report from a field lab that looked at opportunities for intercropping to provide more efficient resource use, reduced pest and disease pressure, and better weed competition.
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Virtual Field Day: Intercropping in Arable Systems
Intercropping offers the potential for more efficient resource utilisation, reducing pest and disease pressure and better competition with weeds. This is a recording of an event co-ordinated by Agricology, Innovative Farmers and the ORC that was held as a virtual alternative to a field lab meeting.
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Elm Farm: Planning and developing agroforestry at a farm scale
Research briefing outlines the planning, establishment and management of different agroforestry approaches as experienced at Elm Farm, an organic livestock farm in Berkshire.
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Dutch courage: The potato covenant model shows the way
Across the channel in the Netherlands a remarkable thing is happening. The whole supply chain has worked together through the ‘Potato Covenant’ to shift the...
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Intercropping Beans and Triticale, Sonning Farm, Berkshire
Intercropping cereals and pulses can have a beneficial impact on a number of factors including weed control and harvestability. This trial at the University of Reading Crop Research Centre in 2018/19 compared intercrops of beans and triticale to monocrop comparisons in spring and winter sown crops, looking at the impact on weed control, lodging and yield.
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Pasture-fed farming and public goods
Have you ever wondered about all the things that your land delivers and whether there may be any way of measuring it? Not so long...
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Film: Farmer led research into hot water seed treatment at Riverford
One of a series of Innovative Farmers films shining a light on a field lab - this one focuses on hot water seed treatment.
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WOOdchip for Fertile Soils (WOOFS)
PROJECT BACKGROUND There is evidence to suggest that applying uncomposted (ramial) woodchip at an appropriate phase in a crop rotation can increase soil organic matter,...
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The Agroforestry Handbook
Assess the potential business benefits of agroforestry for your farm or client and understand the possible benefits to the wider environment with this invaluable handbook.
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Wakelyns Agroforestry: Resilience through diversity
A publication explaining the on-farm research carried out at Wakelyns and led by the late plant pathologist Prof. Martin Wolfe, putting into action his theories of agrobiodiversity being the answer to achieving sustainable and resilient agriculture.
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Oxford Real Farming Conference 2020 - Agricology in Practice
Agriculture has huge potential to be part of the solution to enhancing biodiversity, addressing climate change and supporting and enhancing natural resources, whilst also building...
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Undersowing of leys in arable crops
A comprehensive guide to the use of undersown leys in arable cropping systems and the potential benefits.
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Plant teams in the field - Intercropping in practice in the UK and Sweden
Intercropping has been shown to be beneficial for pest, disease and weed management, preventing lodging, improving water quality, soil fertility and biodiversity as well as...
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Transition to agroecological approaches
A case study focusing on Douglas Christie, a farmer in Scotland, who has been experimenting with direct drilling and growing cover and companion crops in his quest to reduce inputs and improve soil health and biodiversity.
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Management and maintenance of agroforestry systems: Lessons from a 30 year old ash silvopastoral trial
The fifth and final AFINET workshop for the UK silvopasture sub-group took place at Claydon Estate in Buckinghamshire in early July and was well attended...
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AFINET - Agroforestry in the UK
A video produced for the AFINET project exploring some of the practical considerations for agroforestry systems and potential benefits.
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Could farming with trees help to control pests and boost pollinators?
Can farmers control pests without pesticides, and pollinate their crops without honey bees? All while making money out of it? Agroforestry, which is basically farming...
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Free support for organic farms to take part in AHDB Farmbench 2019
*Last chance to join an organic combinable crops benchmarking group in the East region! Benchmark one or more of your organic cereal and oilseed enterprises...
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AFINET - AgroForestry Innovations NETwork
PROJECT BACKGROUND AFINET is a thematic network established to foster exchange and knowledge transfer between scientists and practitioners involved in agroforestry. It acts at EU...
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Dartington Agroforestry
Video footage recorded when the UK AFINET agroforestry network group met at the Dartington Estate in Devon to discuss agroforestry implementation.
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Managing the tree understorey
The area under the tree canopy in agroforestry systems should be seen as an opportunity for crop diversification / additional income rather than being dismissed as ’wasted space.’
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Trees for shade, shelter, survival and body maintenance
Trees and hedgerows can improve livestock welfare by providing shelter and scratching posts.
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Browse, preserved tree fodder and nutrition
Trees and hedgerows are good sources of protein, vitamins and minerals for livestock.
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Agricology Discussions @ Groundswell!
We’re all set for another year at Groundswell and very excited to be hosting the Agricology Discussion Tent this summer. We have a strong line-up...
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Organic Management Techniques Project
Opportunities, Barriers and Constraints for Organic Management Techniques to Improve Sustainability of Conventional Farming PROJECT BACKGROUND British farming businesses are facing a number of challenges,...
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Diverse / Herbal sward mixtures
Herbal leys with a diverse range of species can help resolve soil fertility problems, making forage legume mixtures hard to resist.
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Outdoor access for all animals all year round
Animals that have maximum outdoor access are able to express much more natural behaviour than when housed, leading to improved animal welfare. Find out more here.
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Use of green waste compost
Using green waste compost to help manage reductions in soil organic matter in arable soils; reducing fertiliser use, improving soil health, and reducing landfill
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Encouraging natural predators (outdoors)
This abstract describes information on encouraging natural predators to help control crop pests that reduce yield and quality.
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Integrating leys in arable rotations
Integrating leys in arable rotations can provide multiple benefits including weed management, soil health and pollinator habitat provision.
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Feeding livestock on pasture-based diets
This resource looks at the practicalities of introducing pasture-fed livestock systems, the benefits and draw-backs of adoption with case studies and links
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Mixed farming through collaboration
Arable and livestock farmers can collaborate to share knowledge, land and other resources for mutual benefit and enhancement of ecosystem services and landscape.
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Increasing use of grain legumes in crop rotations
This abstract explores how the organic practice of using grain legumes in crop rotations to help supply nitrogen can be applied on non-organic farms.
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Intercropping grain peas with barley
Practical recommendations for exploring the viability of combining grain peas with barley on your farm.
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Base Cation Saturation Ratio (Albrecht) soil analysis - what is in it for you?
Soil analysis is an important, perhaps essential management tool in organic and agroecological farming. It supports the primary means of assessing soil, which include walking...
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No-till for growers: realising the promise of soil health in organic horticulture. Part 1 - Helping growers who want to make the change
Part one of two detailed informal articles looking at the practicalities of applying a no-till system in an organic horticultural operation and how it relates to soil health.
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Oxford Real Farming Conference 2019 highlights
Agricology kick-started 2019 with the Oxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC) on 3rd - 4th January, along with over 1000 organic and conventional farmers, food producers...
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Livestock on diverse leys: a return to the past for a promising future
ORC Bulletin article reporting on farmers that have been combining diverse leys with livestock and some of the pros and cons of this practice revealed as part of the DiverIMPACTS project.
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Dock Control
An FiBL and ORC technical guide to dock control - designed to make you aware of preventative measures you can put in place and help you to manage infested farmland.
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Community-supported farming, seed saving & 'the fight against blight'
Community-supported farming gives people the opportunity to define their own food and agriculture. The agroecology approach encourages using local resources effectively, recycling of nutrients and...
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Seeds - our culture and our future
Cultivating diversity is one way for smaller organic growers, selling directly to the consumer, to differentiate themselves from the uniform offerings of the multiple retailers...
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Organic potatoes - Technical guide
Everything you may need to know about commercial potato production to help you achieve a high quality product. Includes useful information to help you manage potato blight.
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The AgroDiversity Toolbox
Everything you need to know about the management of cover crops: Check out this free, interactive web-based tool.
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Potato blight - is the answer beneath the covers?
Potatoes grown in the UK are at risk from 26 different diseases. It is vital therefore to investigate methods and varieties that reduce the cost...
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Soil, light and 3D farming
Light is a critical factor for photosynthesis and therefore crop growth. The soil also has a key role to play and a healthy, fertile soil...
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Trees and crops: making the most of the space
An AGFORWARD leaflet that focuses on managing the tree understorey in a horticultural agroforestry system, for increased food production and biodiversity.
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AGFORWARD best practice leaflets
Invaluable guidance for farmers from the AGFORWARD team on how to plan, create and manage an agroforestry system.
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No-till, 'flower power' & 'the farmer's nemesis'
June was a really busy (and hot!) month for the Agricology team packed full of some great events, one of which was the no-till conference...
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Balancing crop production & wildlife management
During May, we explored the subject of farm wildlife and functional diversity - ways of producing effectively and productively through managing your farm for wildlife...
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Creeping Thistle Technical Guide
An essential guide for organic farmers outlining ways to prevent creeping thistle from taking hold and the most effective control measures.
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9 Key-Concepts For Food Diversity
How do we build resilience in local food networks? DIVERSIFOOD offer nine key concepts to promote food diversity for more sustainable and higher quality farming.
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Agricology Defra Consultation Response
Agricology's response to the Defra consulation paper 'Health and Harmony: The Future of Food and Farming in a Green Brexit'
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Low-input antibiotic strategies: improving animal health & welfare
Leaflet about farmer-led trials about using herbs in pasture, a herd health discussion group and improving udder health through use of a mint ointment.
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Farmers share their experience of transitioning to agroecology
' Transitions to Agroecological Approaches: Farmers’ experience ' is a new report that presents the stories of 14 farmers across Scotland, England and Wales who...
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Getting on top of the weeds
During March we delved into the world of weeds. Many will empathise with a comment Jez Taylor, head of the market garden at Daylesford makes...
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News blog - response to article on soil health targets
In response to a recent article published in the Guardian, which you can view here - ' UK farmers to be given first ever targets...
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Soil health and farm resilience
Soil, the essential component for farming and food production, is a non-renewable resource that takes many years to recover when damaged. 1 During February, Agricology...
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The Spade Test
A useful video with a detailed description of how to take a soil sample and interpret it using the spade test.
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Back to the future: exploring the benefits of mixed farming
I believe reintegrating leys and livestock into arable rotations can play a key role in the transition to more sustainable and resilient farming systems. I...
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Mixing it Up: Leys, livestock and arable
Agricology Field Day: Mixing it Up - Leys, Livestock & Arable
Get ahead of the curve and join Agricology on farm for this fringe event to the Oxford Conferences. Driven by the need to build profitable...
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Editors blog: Homegrown feed, soil erosion and pants!
In November Agricology celebrated its second birthday! Over the last two years the Agricology community of farmers, advisors and researchers has really grown, and over...
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Editor's blog - Protecting our soils and wildlife
Looking back and looking forward... Content we featured on the website during October focusing on crop rotations communicated that, with careful planning , rotations can...
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Are we mining the soil?
Farmers and researchers explore the potential for improving nitrogen (N) efficiency in organic rotations. Organic principles and standards emphasise the importance of practices that can...
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Editor's blog: Building resilience through diversity
Crop diversity is important for so many different reasons… to help ensure people have access to the nutrients they need through a nutritious and varied...
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You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t think that agroecology has promise for increasing the resilience and productivity of our arable farming systems. So,...
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Underutilised Crops
Find out about the DIVERSIFOOD project and the potential part it could play in future farming; increasing crop diversity and creating local high quality food systems.
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Agricology Open Day
Who's it For? Are you a grower, farmer or horticulturalist wishing that you could make the transition to less pesticides, less chemicals, less expenditure -...
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Editor's blog - Grubs and bugs
Welcome to this month’s newsletter! We got amongst the dirt and in amongst the greenhouses in July; focusing on improving soil biological activity and managing...
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Compost tea - a good brew?
Can compost tea be used as an effective way to enhance soil microbiology as a microbial inoculant in an organic arable system? Compost tea and...
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Biofertiliser: A probiotic approach at Ragmans Farm
A probiotic approach to soil & plant health at Ragmans Farm.
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BioGreenhouse publications
Useful publications from a project that focused on ways of improving sustainability and production in organic greenhouse horticulture.
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Innovations in UK agroforestry
What do you know? What would you like to know?... Agroforestry is on the up. Following the success of the national Agroforestry Conference at Cranfield...
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New slug control guide launched by MSG
Slugs, slugs and more slugs! Some farming activities can encourage them more than others, and the seemingly ever increasing unpredictable weather patterns also add to...
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June's newsletter; a low-input & livestock tour!
Welcome to this month’s newsletter! Much of the content this month has been focused on what farmers are doing in the field; demonstrating examples of...
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NOCC NOCC? Who’s there...?
Organic Research Centre! We are partners in NOCC 2017 - National Organic Combinable Crops - OF&G ’s flagship event, which is the largest UK on-farm...
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Editor's blog - Our first newsletter and 'Agricology in the Field'!
Welcome to the first ‘Editor’s blog’ and first Agricology newsletter - a double treat! You will be only too aware of the major challenges farmers...
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Antibiotics: can we keep farm animals well without them?
In 2010, I took a trip to Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and New York, USA, to ask some organic dairy farmers about how they managed health and...
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Breeding cows suitable for low-input and organic dairy systems
Challenges and considerations in selecting animals for low-input and organic dairying systems, and some conclusions reached within the SOLID project.
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Perennial weed control in organic agriculture
Guidance from the OK-Net Arable project on managing perennial weeds through using suitable machinery and techniques, focusing on stubble cultivation.
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Bucking the trend: an alternative approach to couch control
How can we manage pernicious perennial weeds without recourse to agrochemicals, or cultivations that can damage soil structure and soil biology? For organic farmers that...
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Crop rotation and its ability to suppress perennial weeds
Guidance from the OK-Net Arable project to help you manage perennial weeds effectively through crop rotations.
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Beans and Wheat Intercropping: a new look at an overlooked benefit
Interesting research highlighting some of the potential challenges and rewards from growing field beans with wheat.
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Carrying Out Your Own Farm Trial
How to design an effective field trial - the basics you need to know to help you optimise yields and try out novel farming techniques.
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The Role of Agroecology in Sustainable Intensification
Agroecological approaches are an essential part of sustainable intensification, maintaining agricultural productivity and environmental protection.
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Use of diverse swards and ‘mob grazing’ for forage production
The potential benefits of growing diverse pasture swards and mob grazing for cattle within low-input and organic dairy systems.
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Practical organic farming solutions for an uncertain future
Without question, the Brexit referendum result has opened up a significant debate about the future of agriculture in the UK, and the place of organic...
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Populations: diversity in plant breeding
The development and attributes of the ORC Wakelyns Population; a diverse wheat population suited to low-input and organic farming.
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Launch of ORC Wakelyns Population
Footage of the launch of the new ORC wheat population - explaining how it was developed and potential benefits.
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Agroforestry for livestock systems
The multiple benefits of combining trees and shrubs with livestock in low-input and organic dairy farms.
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Soil assessment methods
Tips to help you choose the most appropriate methods to assess and manage your soil health - provided by the GREATSoils project team.
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Environmental footprinting for farm businesses
A comprehensive review to help you unpick the various tools available to help you assess and reduce your farm carbon footprint and improve sustainability.
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What does sustainable farming mean to you?
As the newest member of the Agricology team, working as Communication Assistant, I am excited to have been thrown in at the deep end to...
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Reduced Tillage: Farmer’s motivations and problems
A video from the TILMAN-ORG project providing useful insights from farmers who have have adopted reduced tillage on their farms.
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Sustainability and quality of organic food
Exploration of the concept of food quality, looking at differences in sustainability between organic and conventional food production.
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Manifold green manures Part 3: Black medic and lucerne
Two lesser-used legume species with properties that you can make use of in fodder, green manure or hay crops, as highlighted in Legume LINK.
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Manifold green manures Part 2: Alsike and crimson clovers
Details on alsike and crimson clover that will help assess suitability for inclusion in fertility-building mixes, as defined in Legume LINK.
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Sustainable Organic and Low Input Dairying (SOLID)
A series of technical notes on low-input/organic dairying systems, helping to provide solutions to key problems at farm-level.
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Fulfilling 100% organic pig diets: Feeding roughage and foraging from the range
New resource that looks at the potential of roughage and foraging to help pig producers meet the challenge of 100% organic feed.
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Fulfilling 100% organic pig diets: Concentrates
How can pig producers meet the challenge of 100% organic feed? New resource looks at the potential of alternative feed sources.
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Fulfilling 100% organic poultry diets: Roughage & foraging from the range
What contribution can foraging on range and herbage make to the feed requirements of organic poultry? This new resource considers the options.
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Fulfilling 100% organic poultry diets: Concentrates
How can poultry producers meet the challenge of 100% organic feed? New resource looks at the potential of alternative feed sources.
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Hedgerow Biodiversity Protocol 2015 User Guide
Assess the biodiversity status of hedges on your farm & identify management changes needed & suitability of hedges for harvesting woodfuel.
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A guide to Harvesting woodfuel from hedges
Coppicing hedges for woodfuel sustainably; creating renewable low cost energy whilst supporting wildlife and improving the health of hedges.
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Bringing hedgerows back into the farm business
For many rural communities, hedgerows are a defining feature of their local landscape, as well as a vital resource for biodiversity. But despite their importance,...
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How to use the Agricology website
Welcome to Agricology – providing practical information about sustainable farming regardless of labels. To kick off our blog posts I want to guide you through...
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Learn about agroforestry research undertaken by the Organic Research Centre, find links to further information and resources.
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Manifold green manures - Part I: Sainfoin and birdsfoot trefoil
An article outlining properties of two species that could be considered for fertility-building mixes, trialed in the Legume LINK project.
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Cover Crop and Living Mulch Wiki
The AgroDiversity toolbox wiki; an interactive website to help spread knowledge about legume and non-leguminous species and machinery and practices.
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Manifold green manures - Part 4: Large birdsfoot trefoil, meadow pea and white clover
An article outlining properties of three species that could be considered for fertility-building mixes, trialed in the Legume LINK project.
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Using legume-based mixtures to enhance the nitrogen use efficiency and economic viability of cropping systems
The Legume LINK final report, with pointers to help you improve the efficiency of your leys, benefiting crop production and pollinators.
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Practical recommendations on reduced tillage systems
Video footage of a member of the TILMAN-ORG project outlining some of the problems and potential solutions associated with reduced tillage.
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TILMAN - the final report
The impacts of reduced tillage methods on crop yield, fertility building and weeds; some key messages from the TILMAN-ORG project.
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Diverse legume leys: pollinator benefits
The important role of legumes as a food resource for pollinators and species that can help provide the forage reserves throughout the year.
Organic Research Centre's people
Janie Caldbeck
Content Editor, Agricology
I work for the Organic Research Centre (ORC) from my base in Lower Teesdale, Co. Durham. I co-ordinate, create and edit the content (ranging from...
Katie Bliss
Knowledge Exchange and Agroecology Researcher, Agricology
Working with our family arable farm in the Cambridgeshire Fens various challenges, in particular blackgrass, inspired me to look at how we can be...
Lucy MacLennan
Chief Executive
I get a real buzz out of working with such an engaged and motivated team at the Organic Research Centre, everyone works so hard and is so...