Our plan


Agricology is a one-stop shop for practical information about sustainable farming.

• We provide unrivalled access to world class  information resources.
• We enable farmers and growers to make informed choices.
• We champion sustainable farming based on agroecological principles.


Agricology is for all UK farmers and growers who want to:

• Improve soil structure, quality and health;
• Minimise pressures of pests, diseases and weeds;
• Reduce reliance on inputs for crops and livestock;
• Utilise grassland and home grown feeds for livestock;
• Reduce antibiotic use;
• Encourage biodiversity, notably pollinators and other critical ecological services;
• Maintain productivity and profitability.


Agricology promotes sustainable agriculture, regardless of labels. Agricology encourages good farming practice including traditional agricultural techniques, new technology and concepts, and cutting edge innovation.

Agricology enables farmers and growers to make informed choices. Making the transition to more sustainable farming is a process. We support producers on this journey by:

Compiling high quality resources

• We compile the best available resources from our partners and other leading organisations about sustainable agriculture. Our resources are selected by our experts for their reliability and applicability to UK conditions.

Ensuring accessible information 

• Our resources provide information in accessible formats, these include: factsheets, technical notes, guides, videos, podcasts, infographics and apps.

Providing inspiration and support

• Our farmer and grower profiles feature inspirational examples of sustainable agriculture in practice. We support knowledge exchange and experience sharing online, and offline. We stimulate and encourage farmer-led innovation.


Current and future farming systems need to produce more from fewer resources, impact less on the environment and provide for future generations. However, making agriculture more sustainable is challenging. The best agricultural systems are complex and diverse and need a great deal of knowledge and skill to manage them successfully.
A lot of information about sustainable agricultural ‘best practice’ already exists, based on research and farmer experience. But this information can be hard to find and difficult to access and is not always credible.   Agricology provides reliable, up-to-date information in user-friendly formats.