Grasslands & forage crops

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 166
Pasture-fed production - findings from the SEEGSLIP project
resource UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology The video is an output from the 'Sustainable economic and ecological grazing systems- learning from innovative practitioners' (SEEGSLIP) project and seeks to explain the project,...Soil biology, Animal health & welfare, Dairy cattle, Beef cattle & sheep, Grasslands & forage crops, People & skills, Biodiversity -
Raising the pulse of European cropping systems
blog Interested in learning more about home grown protein crops but don’t know where to look? There has been a growing interest in home produced protein...Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Crop nutrition & fertility building, People & skills, Pollinators & ecological services, Biodiversity -
The Stringer family
farmers_and_growersI (Mike) manage the farm at High and Low Callis Wold together with my family. I am the third generation of a 3-generation tenancy (more...J Stringer & Sons, High Callis Wold, East YorkshireOrganic & conventional -
Agroecology in Action
resource Landworkers' Alliance This publication from the Landworkers' Alliance highlights what pioneers of agroecology in the UK are doing to create a productive and sustainable agriculture. The case...Integrated farming, Conservation agriculture, Organic farming, Biodynamic farming, Agroforestry, Permaculture, Rotations, Organic matter, Soil biology, Animal health & welfare, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Roots & horticulture, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Business management, Markets & food systems, Natural resources & waste, People & skills, Pollinators & ecological services, Biodiversity, Climate, Communities & education -
Nature-based Integrated Pest Management - hints, tips and more
blog Are you keen to find ways to reduce pesticide use on your farm, but not sure where to begin? Or perhaps you are already undertaking...Compaction & cultivation, Soil biology, Weeds, Pests & diseases, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Roots & horticulture, Business management, People & skills, Pollinators & ecological services, Biodiversity, Climate, Communities & education -
The End is Nigh, The End of Nitrogen
resource Footage of a discussion held at Groundswell 2022, organised by Agricology, about the impacts of reduced nitrogen use and ways in which farmers are moving...Type, texture & structure, Compaction & cultivation, Rotations, Organic matter, Soil biology, Weeds, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Business management, People & skills -
Establishing summer cover crops before winter cereals in low tillage systems on sandy soils
resource Chamber of Agriculture Lower Saxony Abstract created as part of the DiverIMPACTS project outlining some of the benefits that can be attained from establishing summer cover crops on sandy soils...Compaction & cultivation, Drainage, Organic matter, Weeds, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Buildings & machinery, People & skills -
Carbon Calling Conference
blog A pioneering on-farm conference focusing on soil health is gearing up for its launch on a Cumbrian farm this summer ( June 25th-26th ). Carbon...Animal health & welfare, Dairy cattle, Beef cattle & sheep, Pigs, Poultry, Grasslands & forage crops, People & skills, Biodiversity, Climate -
The Barbour family
farmers_and_growersWe farm cattle and sheep on land that is part of the Bonskeid Estate, near Pitlochry in Scotland. Fincastle is 500 hectares (ha) of farmed...Mains of Fincastle Farm, Pitlochry, PerthshireOrganic -
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Farm Level The Go-To Guide
resource Produced by Innovation for Agriculture in association with Eunomia Research and Consulting on behalf of the WWF/Tesco partnership Practical, easy-to-use guidance to help farmers reduce their greenhouse gas footprint. Offering actions for all UK agricultural sectors, it aims to be both environmentally and...Compaction & cultivation, Organic matter, Animal health & welfare, Cereals, oil seeds & pulses, Grasslands & forage crops, Crop nutrition & fertility building, Business management, Buildings & machinery, Natural resources & waste, People & skills, Biodiversity, Climate